"Smash The Patriarchy" hand tagged screenprint by Social Sniper

''Smash The Patriarchy'' hand tagged screenprint by Social Sniper
''Smash The Patriarchy'' hand tagged screenprint by Social Sniper''Smash The Patriarchy'' hand tagged screenprint by Social Sniper''Smash The Patriarchy'' hand tagged screenprint by Social Sniper

Product Information

Four colour (CMYK) screenprint of Socail Sniper's popular "Smash The Patriarchy" paste-up design, based on a vintage recruitment poster.

Limited edition of 50, tagged with a Krink marker in either black, pink or blue.

A2 size (42x59.4cm). Numbered and signed.

£10 from the sale of each print goes to Galop UK to support their work with the LGBT+ community.

Our Price:  £60.00

(Reduced from £80)



Sold out / unavailable

Brand:  Social Sniper
Size:  Medium